Monday, October 4, 2010


I have found that I do most of my homework in front of a football game. The probable cause would be that I am 100% against homework on Saturdays, and the odds of me missing a Jets game are somewhere between 0 and .001. This has made me wonder if that has negatively affected my studies in any way. It probably has. In all fairness no matter how important an essay I may be writing, I would much rather see Mean Shonn Greene take one in for 6. Yet if it has affected my grades negatively, then how did I get into college? Quite a confusing situation, unless football actually stimulates the mind. Perhaps New York Jets football allows one to think more freely by releasing tension. I must admit after a victory I feel much more relaxed. In that same breath perhaps watching the New York Knicks basketball games has the opposite effect, because after their games I feel stressed to no end. This would be a fantastic study for one of the psychology majors. It would be nice to have a final test on this idea after my many years of personally testing it. In the end it seems there are only two possible conclusions. Either the Jets stimulate the mind, or I am amazing for getting into college despite doing my homework during Sunday Night Football. J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS

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