Monday, October 18, 2010

My First All Nighter

Last night I was up until 3 am completing my college writing essay. The next 4 hours were reserved for studying for my History of Espionage test. Then my day began. I arrived at study hall at around 8:30 and realized a few issues with my all nighter. For starters my essay is entirely incoherent. Even I am not positive about what I am trying to say. Reading it is pretty much the equivalent of reading the diary of a schizophrenic. Chances are that will become an issue in the near future. On top of that I remember practically nothing from my study session. I might as well have just went to sleep! So now, instead of fixing my essay or restudying, I chose to blog about my problem instead. Why did I do this? Because I like to complain. It is in my genes as a Jewish person. Also, with my math work piling up fast as well, I could not imagine even deciding where to start. So this gives me the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. I am now complaining about how my study habits (or lack thereof) have translated poorly to college, and I am getting work done as well. At least I am finally getting somewhat effiecent :D

1 comment:

  1. That sounds really painful. But very funny as well, kind of reminded me of psychological thriller.
