Monday, October 4, 2010

Nicknames in Writing

Recently we were introduced to fellow named Strong Bad. He had a firm belief that a good nickname was the key to a good grade. Now while we berated him for that notion, I think it deserves a little bit of thought. Think about all of the great authors with nicknames. Dr. Seuss and Richard Bachman are great examples. While I hate Stephen King, Geisel was an inspiration to all white rappers. He was truly the king of bad rhymes. A writer with a solid nickname is practically guaranteed fame at the very least. However what about the notion that the nickname will get you a good grade? I believe that idea holds water as well. If you think about it, only your friends call you by nicknames. Who better to have as a friend than the teacher? When someone reads a paper as a teacher, they are looking for its flaws. When they read it as a friend, they look for its strong points. For that reason, the closer you are to a teacher the better. Now I am not saying everyone should go out and sleep with their teachers. That method is simply too hit or miss; either you get an A or you get kicked out of school. But creating nicknames and little inside jokes with teachers could go a long way toward getting a good grade. Who knows, maybe the teacher will even turn out to be really cool, like Professor Jen :D.

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