Monday, October 4, 2010

My Opinion Of Dave Eggers

Do you remember that kid in high school that all of a sudden decided at age 16 he was all grown up? Every school had this kid. One day he came in with his shirt tucked in and talked about the stocks he was going to invest in using his Mickey D's paycheck. This fellow was the one that was all of a sudden to good for bathroom jokes and couldn't laugh at himself when he spilled his milk at lunch. How annoying was that kid? Pretty much as annoying as Dave Eggers. That man broke onto the scene as "Davie" and is now "David". His first work was a playful work of partially fictionalized non-fiction. Now all of a sudden David writes a rigid, absolutely journalistic piece. Yet for some reason it comes out even less believable than his first book. Okay, now maybe that isn't fair. I never read his first book. Maybe both books are entirely fantasy, but that isn't the point. David went from saving his tips for a new skateboard to asking his college student manager about his chances at a 401k. Basically what I am getting at is that in the end, what he wrote wasn't the problem, it was how he approached the work and presented it to the public, which in the case of Zeitoun he did very poorly. If he wanted it to be a serious work (which would make sense if he really wanted to highlight a social issue like it appears he did) then he could not write it in the same voice (Foucault reference! Bonus Points!) as a book that he himself admitted was probably partially fictionalized. Its not that I hate Dave Eggers, its that he wants to be David even though Davie seeps through with every word he writes. Let Davie out! We miss him!

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