Monday, October 4, 2010

That Tool Foucault

After researching Foucault so I could have a vague idea what he was talking about, I've come to the conclusion he was wasting our time. He was quite the vindictive fellow, eh? No need to write a piece because you have an idea. That would be silly. That doesn't eve make sense. Instead good old Mikey wrote this essay in order to put down his rival philosophers. That gave the essay a bit of a high school clique war aura. In the end he did manage to stumble upon a few decent ideas, not the least of which being the question of your opinion changes depending on if you know the author. It's an interesting point to think about, but in the end all Mikey gives us is food for thought. I am aware most philosophers avoid concrete ideas like drivers avoid concrete walls, but normally they at least have an opinion and therefore a basis for writing what they are writing. This essay was more along the lines of those guys are wrong, I proved them wrong, but still have yet to give an idea of my own, now think about this....". That makes for interesting writing, but being able to slap together some interesting thoughts doesn't mean he wasn't entirely full of it. Next time we have a philosophical rivalry I say we just have them strap on some gloves and duke it out. I get the feeling most philosophers probably don't spend a whole lot of time in the gym, so it should be fairly evenly matched. Lets get ready to rumbleeeeee.

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